Give Back This Volunteers' Week

30/05/2022 10:15:16

Hands together
With our busy lifestyles and financial constraints, it is often hard to consider how you can give back to causes that mean a lot to you. Many not-for-profit and charitable organisations encourage volunteering for them. Yes, volunteering means no wage but the socio-positive rewards you reap are worth every second of it!’s recent volunteering survey has concluded that approximately 28 million people in England committed to volunteering projects in 2020 and 2021.  Many people volunteer for the benefits you gain; It is an excellent way to meet new friends, learn new skills and improve wellbeing whilst giving back to charitable organisations in need.

What is Volunteers’ Week?

Every year, Volunteer’s Week takes place on 1st-7th June. This week is to acknowledge and thank those who volunteer throughout the year.
Volunteers are vital to worthwhile causes. Many of these causes have limited budgets and rely on the strength and skills of their volunteers to deliver important projects. Without volunteers, many charities, communities and not for profits wouldn’t be able to achieve the great work they complete.
What will you be doing for Volunteers’ Week? Here are some rewarding yet fun volunteering ideas that can be carried out by your team:

Volunteer for the Next Team Building Event

Team building is an encouraged practice in many companies. These essential events are used to bring teams together, to help understand each other and build a better team relationship.

We host a team building Away Day every year at Allwag where staff get together to test their mental and physical agility attending educational seminars, team socials and even participating in extreme activities and mental puzzles.

Team building can also be used to give back to communities and causes. Choose a team building event that aligns with your company’s and employees core values so everyone gets involved and benefits from it.

A team building event
Young girl receiving food at a Food Bank

Collect and Donate to Food Banks

The rising cost of living is putting financial constraints on many households; UK charity, The Trussell Trust states that more than 56% of households cannot afford to feed everyone in their home.  
With living costs squeezing budgets, food banks are playing a crucial part in many lives. The demand for food banks means volunteers are needed. Most local communities have foodbanks and community fridges. Find your local food bank here and contact them to find out about the volunteering opportunities they offer.  
If time is limited and your employees cannot get out to volunteer, promote an office food collection. Local food banks provide a list of desired items that employees can buy and give to the food collection. This will also be a great opportunity to post on social media and share your company’s values whilst raising awareness of your local foodbank.

Offer a Mentoring Programme

In every company, there is a bank of valuable skills from employees – skills that might be beneficial to others. 

Some charities offer a mentoring programme to those who require it.  A mentor with a variety of different skills will benefit many.

Examples of organisations that offer mentoring programmes are:

Kids Inspire 
Reach Out
The Prince’s Trust  
CIPD – Step Ahead Mentoring

Many other organisations also offer mentoring programmes so research programmes that fit with your team’s skills.
Man being mentored on a laptop screen
 Litter picking

Pick Up Litter in Your Local Community

Litter picking is one of the simplest forms of volunteering but so many people join in because it’s important to communities and the planet.

Picking up litter has plenty of benefits including protecting wildlife, keeping neighbourhoods clean, contributing towards a sustainable future and inspiring others.

A great organisation that supports volunteering litter pickers is Keep Britain Tidy. Their #LitterHero campaign assists those who want to start litter picking and educates on the benefits of the common volunteering activity.


Organise a Fundraising Event

Workplace fundraisers are nothing new and have been organised for years with successful results. Popular work fundraisers are banquets, silent auctions and raffles.

Collaborating with local businesses and causes will bring a greater level of exposure to the event, resulting in higher donation amounts.

The whole organisation can get involved by planning and executing the event. A fundraiser is another great opportunity to share your companies CSR values on social media with followers. 

Raffle at a fundraising event

Giving Back at Allwag Promotional Merchandise

We continue to support our chosen causes through volunteering and donating. Our chosen causes have been selected because they are causes that align with our core values and help our local community.
Camp Jojo
David Randall Foundation 
The Willow Foundation
The Indee Rose Trust 
Helen Rollason Cancer Charity
Kids Inspire
Witham Community Hub
Ormiston Families
Robin Cancer Trust
Dogs Trust 
Boreham Hedgehog & Wildlife Rescue
CHESS Homeless
Colchester Night Shelter
HARP Southend
Hope House Essex
Friends of Essex & London Homeless

As part of our volunteering initiative, we volunteered at a Local Community Charity, called Witham Community Hub. At the Hub, they promote social inclusion and the public benefit of the local community in Witham, Essex. Check out what we got up to on our LinkedIn page

 Volunteers’ Week isn’t the only time you can volunteer, contact your chosen cause and organise a volunteering activity with your team today!


